#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: //websites/unixwiz/unixwiz.net/webroot/tools/hpsutil-1.04.txt#1 $ # # written by : Stephen J. Friedl # Software Consultant # Tustin, California USA # steve@unixwiz.net / www.unixwiz.net # # This is free software in the public domain. Enjoy. # # ============================= NOTE ============================= # This program was part of a customer research project, and partway # through it was determined that this printserver was not suitable # for our project. This program's development stopped on a dime to # focus on other things. We've gone back and cleaned it up a bit for # the web, but this is far below our usual standards of quality and # documention. Sorry. # ============================= NOTE ============================= # # This program queries and sets up a Hawking Technology H-PS1U # Ether-to-USB print server, and it's meant to be used in place of # the Windows-only GUI provided by the manufacturer. # # Documentation on this device and this tool can be found at: # # tool: http://www.unixwiz.net/tools/hpsutil.html # info: http://www.unixwiz.net/techtips/hawking-printservers.html # # This tool was developed and tested using perl 5.6.1 on a Red Hat # 6.2 Linux system. It's been reported to run on other systems # as well, including MacOS. # # OVERVIEW # -------- # # This unit has NO switches or jumpers - everything is set in software # over the network. The unit listens for broadcasts on 20560/udp, # and it responds to specially-formatted packets with information about # the unit's configuration. We make several queries attempting to # discover multiple units on the network, and this is the default # mode. Then, if the user has provided updated data such as IP # address or gateway, and if the unit being programmed has been # unambiguously identified, we'll send another datagram with those # new parameters. # # COMMAND LINE PARAMS # ------------------- # # --help Show a brief help listing to the standard error stream # and exit with failure status. # # --nosend This suppresses actually sending the update packets # to the unit, and it's only really useful when testing # the code itself (say, when adding a new field). It is # not very useful unless --verbose or --dumpbinary are # also provided. # # --dumpbinary Show the full binary dump of the data (but not reset) # packets sent, and the responses received. This is only # useful if you're developing the code itself. # # --ip=IP Set the unit's IP address to IP. This only accept an IP # address, not a DNS hostname, on very limited validation # is done on the IP address given. # # --mask=IP Set the unit's subnet mask to IP. This has very little # validation. # # --gw=IP Set the unit's default gateway to IP. # # --unit=N Select unit N on a multi-device network. This is typically # used after the base query is done, showing all the devices # found on the network (each with a program-generated unit # number starting at 1). If more than one unit is found, # its number is given with --unit # # --pass=PW To change the password of the unit # # --multi TRUE if we might find more than one unit [default] # # --nomulti Presume there is only one unit on the network # # --verbose Show a bit more debugging # # --ntries Number of times to query network with each available query # string. # # --dhcp=BF Set or unset the EnableDHCP option, and the Boolean flag # can be on/off yes/no true/false 1/0 # # --dumppacket Dump the received packet in binary for debugging # # ISSUES # ------ # # * We don't have a way to programmatically turn DHCP off on the print # server. We've tried a few things, but it wasn't worth it: just set # an IP address with hpsutil and telnet to the unit to do the rest. # # * We've found that the H-PS1U sometimes won't respond to our magic # packets. We don't know if this is a big in their firmware or a # a result of our having taken the thing apart so many times. # # * We've not actually tested this with multiple printservers on a # network. # # HISTORY # ------- # v1.00 (2003/03/03) - Initial Release # # v1.01 (2003/04/21) - Added --pass=PW (changes from Chad Vogelsong) # # v1.02 (2003/07/13) - rotate through several query strings because # the various Hawking units use different ones (prompted by a # report from Dave Rugh). # # v1.03 (2004/03/06) - added the --dhcp param (suggested by Kevin Weeks) # # v1.04 (2004/03/11) - actually *tested* the --dhcp param (sorry Kevin) # and added --dumpbinary and --nosend parameters. # use strict; use English; use IO::Socket; use IO::Select; use IO::File; my $version = "hpsutil 1.04 - 2004-03-11 - http://www.unixwiz.net/tools/"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # QUERY STRINGS # # We have observed several different formats of query packets sent from # PSAdmin, and it may be that different products use different strings. # So we have a list of them here that we rotate through in the main loop. # my @QUERIES = ( "NET\0\4", "NET\0\4\1", "ZO\0\1", ); my $queryaddr = ""; # local broadcast my $port = 20560; # UDP my $param_newip = undef; # cmd line params my $param_newgw = undef; my $param_newmask = undef; my $param_newpw = undef; my $newip = undef; # internal, converted params my $newgw = undef; my $newmask = undef; my $newdhcp = undef; my $wantunit = 0; my $multi = 1; my $verbose = 0; my $ntries = 3; my $timeout = 1.5; # seconds my $dumpbinary = 0; my $nosend = 0; foreach ( @ARGV ) { if ( m/^--help/i ) { print STDERR < { Offset=> 0x006, Len=> 6, Conv => \&cvt_mac }, PrinterName => { Offset=> 0x00E, Len=> 18 }, IPAddress => { Offset=> 0x022, Len=> 4, Conv => \&cvt_IP }, Password => { Offset=> 0x02A, Len=> 7 }, Firmware => { Offset=> 0x033, Len=> 16 }, # NetwareName => { Offset=> 0x153, Len=> 15 }, Netmask => { Offset=> 0x184, Len=> 4, Conv => \&cvt_IP }, Gateway => { Offset=> 0x188, Len=> 4, Conv => \&cvt_IP }, EnableDHCP => { Offset=> 0x18C, Len=> 1, Conv => \&cvt_bool }, SNMPContact => { Offset=> 0x18E, Len=> 15 }, SNMPLocation => { Offset=> 0x19E, Len=> 24 }, SNMPCommunity1 => { Offset=> 0x1B7, Len=> 12 }, SNMPCommunity2 => { Offset=> 0x1C4, Len=> 12 }, SNMPConfig => { Offset=> 0x1D1, Len=> 1, Conv => \&cvt_snmp }, SNMPTrapLoc1 => { Offset=> 0x1D2, Len=> 4, Conv => \&cvt_IP }, SNMPTrapLoc2 => { Offset=> 0x1D6, Len=> 4, Conv => \&cvt_IP }, # AppletalkZone => { Offset=> 0x1FF, Len=> 32 }, # AppletalkPort => { Offset=> 0x220, Len=> 12 }, # AppletalkPType => { Offset=> 0x22D, Len=> 20 }, ); my $them = pack_sockaddr_in($port, inet_aton($queryaddr)); my $proto = getprotobyname('udp'); my $UDPSOCK = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp') or die "ERROR: cannot create socket ($EVAL_ERROR)\n"; if ( not $UDPSOCK->sockopt(SO_BROADCAST, 1) ) { die "ERROR: cannot set broadcast on socket [$EVAL_ERROR]\n"; } my %REPLIES = (); my $rselect = IO::Select->new( $UDPSOCK ); $ntries *= scalar @QUERIES; for ( my $tryno = 0; $tryno < $ntries; $tryno++ ) { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # FIGURE OUT MAGIC PACKET # # As we cycle through the # of tries, rotate through the next # query string in turn. Each is padded to 64 bytes, and we make # a printable version of the packet to report to the user. # my $try_index = $tryno % scalar(@QUERIES); my $querypkt = $QUERIES[$try_index]; my $printable_packet = $querypkt; $querypkt = substr($querypkt . ( "\0" x 64) , 0, 64); # convert \# escape into printable \ + # $printable_packet =~ s/([\x00-\x1f])/sprintf("\\%o", ord($1))/eg; # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # send the query to the local network: it's a failure if we cannot # do this. # print STDERR "Sending magic packet $printable_packet to $queryaddr:$port/udp\n"; $UDPSOCK->send($querypkt, 0, $them); # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare to receive responses from the network. If we're in # --multi mode we may get more than one, # print STDERR "Waiting for read...\n" if $verbose; while ( my @A = IO::Select->select( $rselect, undef, undef, $timeout) ) { my $queryresponse = ""; $UDPSOCK->recv( $queryresponse, 1500, 0); if ( $verbose ) { printf " Read %d bytes from sender\n", length $queryresponse; } dump_binary_packet( $queryresponse ) if $dumpbinary; # pick out the MAC address and file it under "replies" my $macaddr = cvt_mac( getField($queryresponse, "MACAddress") ); if ( not defined $REPLIES{$macaddr} ) { print "--> got new reply from $macaddr\n"; $REPLIES{$macaddr} = $queryresponse; } last if not $multi; } last if ( not $multi and %REPLIES ); print "(timeout)\n" if $verbose; } my $unitcount = scalar keys %REPLIES; die "No print servers found\n" if $unitcount == 0; print "\n"; my $unitno = 1; my %XREF = (); foreach my $mac ( sort keys %REPLIES ) { my $querybuf = $REPLIES{$mac}; printf "[UNIT %d]\n", $unitno; $XREF{$unitno++} = $mac; show_packet( $querybuf ); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # If we are only querying - not setting - then we're done. Otherwise we # have to figure out which of the replies is interesting. Of course, if # there is only *one* reply, that makes it a bit easier. # exit 0 if not defined $newip and not defined $newgw and not defined $newmask and not defined $newdhcp and not defined $param_newpw; if ( $unitcount > 1 and $wantunit == 0 ) { die "ERROR: More than one unit found, must identify with --unit\n"; } if ( defined $wantunit and $wantunit > $unitcount ) { die "ERROR: --unit=$wantunit given, but not that many units found\n"; } $wantunit = 1 if not $wantunit; my $wantmac = $XREF{$wantunit}; if ( not defined $wantmac ) { die "ERROR: --unit=$wantunit given, but not that many units found\n"; } printf "Sending configuration packet to unit $wantunit ($wantmac)\n\n"; my $buf = $REPLIES{$wantmac}; substr($buf, 0, 5) = "NETP\1"; # required for programming setField(\$buf, "IPAddress", $newip) if $newip; setField(\$buf, "Netmask", $newmask) if $newmask; setField(\$buf, "Gateway", $newgw) if $newgw; setField(\$buf, "Password", $param_newpw) if $param_newpw; setField(\$buf, "EnableDHCP", $newdhcp) if defined $newdhcp; dump_binary_packet($buf) if $dumpbinary; show_packet( $buf ) if $verbose; $UDPSOCK->send($buf, 0, $them) unless $nosend; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # We found out very late that sending this packet seems to be required in # order to save & reset the unit. But: it's really only supposed to be sent # to the one unit in question, but we're sending to broadcast. Feel free # to fix this if you care to. # my $resetpkt = substr( "NET\0\10" . ( "\0" x 64), # packet contents 0, # start offset 64 ); # length print "Sending save-and-reset packet\n"; $UDPSOCK->send($resetpkt, 0, $them) unless $nosend; # # setField() # # Given a ref to a query response buffer, *set* the contents of the # given field to the value provided. The value is already in direct # binary notation, so no conversion need be done. This does no I/O, # only changes the referenced buffer (and never changes the length). # sub setField { my $qref = shift; my $field = shift; my $value = shift; my $ref = $FIELDS{$field}; die "ERROR: setField($field) is bogus fieldname\n" if not $ref; printf "Setting $field to length %d [%d/%d] {$value}\n", length $value, $ref->{Offset}, $ref->{Len} if $verbose; substr($$qref, $ref->{Offset}, $ref->{Len} ) = $value; } sub getField { my $qbuf = shift; my $field = shift; my $ref = $FIELDS{$field}; die "ERROR: getField($field) is bogus fieldname\n" if not $ref; return substr($qbuf, $ref->{Offset}, $ref->{Len}); } # # ascii_to_ipaddr() # # Given a printable version of an IP address, convert it to the # internal form. Return undef if it's a bogus address. # sub ascii_to_ipaddr { my $addr = shift; return undef unless $addr =~ m/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/; return inet_aton($addr); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # CONVERSION UTILS # # The data we get from the parameters packet is mostly in binary, so we # have utilities that convert to printable form. These are all included by # reference in the %FIELDS table above. # # These are all internal->printable conversions. # sub cvt_mac { my $addr = shift; my @PARTS = split( m//, $addr ); return join(":", map { sprintf("%02X", ord($_)) } @PARTS); } # # cvt_IP() # # Internal IP -> printable # sub cvt_IP { return inet_ntoa(shift); } # # cvt_snmp() # # There is a single bitmapped byte that describes the SNMP config # and we pick apart the bit values here into printable strings. # sub cvt_snmp { my $byte = ord(shift); my @INFO = (); if ( ($byte & 0x08) == 0 ) { push @INFO, "Comm#1 disabled"; } elsif ( $byte & 0x10 ) { push @INFO, "Comm#1 R/W"; } else { push @INFO, "Comm#1 R/O"; } if ( ($byte & 0x20) == 0 ) { push @INFO, "Comm#2 disabled"; } elsif ( $byte & 0x40 ) { push @INFO, "Comm#2 R/W"; } else { push @INFO, "Comm#2 R/O"; } push @INFO, "Enable traps" if $byte & 0x01; push @INFO, "Auth Traps" if $byte & 0x02; return join("; ", @INFO); } # # cvt_bool() # # Given binary 1/0, return printable yes/no # sub cvt_bool { my $value = ord(shift); return $value ? "Yes($value)" : "No"; } # # show_packet() # # This is used to show the fields in a packet for easy display. # sub show_packet { my $buf = shift; foreach my $key ( sort keys %FIELDS ) { my $ref = $FIELDS{$key}; my $rawvalue = substr($buf, $ref->{Offset}, $ref->{Len}); if ( $ref->{Conv} ) { $rawvalue = &{ $ref->{Conv} }($rawvalue); } $rawvalue =~ s/\x00//g; # dump NUL bytes printf STDOUT " %-20s = {%s}\n", $key, $rawvalue; } } sub dump_binary_packet { my $packet = shift; my $len = length $packet; my $ix = 0; while ( $ix < $len ) { my $wantlen = $len - $ix; $wantlen = 16 if $wantlen > 16; my $sub = substr($packet, $ix, $wantlen); $sub =~ s/(.)/sprintf(" %02X", ord($1))/esg; printf("%04x $sub\n", $ix); $ix += $wantlen; } }